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New apartment building in Rochester promises units for homeless young adults
WROC/RochesterFirst – Rochester, NY – Construction on a new $52 million development is underway in Rochester.
The new “Eastman Reserve” will be home to 187 rental units and commercial space within 17 buildings at Eastman Business Park at Lake Avenue and Ridge Road.
Twenty seven of those units will be targeted to homeless young adults who will have access to on-site support services.
“When one person in our community does well, we all do well,” says Monroe County Executive Cheryl Dinolfo. “But when somebody needs a hand or hand up to help out we’re there to do that to.”
“It’s about the people, it’s always about the people,” adds Dinolfo. “When we invest in a community and we marry together great housing where families can feel secure and happy and prospire and job opportunities… You can get up, you can walk to work, just like it was in the 50s and 60s and 70s; you can come home and see your family.”
The Eastman Reserve project is slated to be completed in 2020. It’s part of the New York State Homes and Community Renewal.